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dScope Series III
dS-NET I/O Switcher
dS-NET VSIO Adapter
dS-NET VSIO Adapter
dS-LPF Low Pass Filter
Auto TestSQL
dScope Series III

Three versions: For a feature comparison table, please see the dScope features page

dScope Series III - Digital + Analogue
dScope Series IIIA - Analogue Only
dScope Series IIIA+ - Analogue Plus
All the standard audio measurements, but that's just the beginning...
Flexible software, accurate calibrated hardware
Simple USB connection to host PC
Accurate measurements with traceable calibration
Simultaneous multiple measurements providing lower test times
Multi-tone testing for high speed manufacturing applications
Quasi-anechoic acoustic transducer measurements
Compatible with Industry standard software tools
Built in automation and programmable functions

dScope Series III audio analyzer is an industrial strength audio test and measurement system comprising a Windows PC software application coupled with an external high-precision audio interface processor for equipment-under-test (EUT) connections. 

The dScope Series III architecture makes the most of the ever-increasing processing and multi-tasking capabilities of the Windows platform to allow the system to measure many parameters simultaneously - and that means faster. The external interface processor connects to the PC via a standard USB connection making it easy to use with a wide range of PCs, including laptops. 

The external interface processor includes precision analogue and digital outputs and inputs that are highly optimised for measurement applications. Precise and automatic gain ranging allows high resolution measurements over a phenomenal range from a few micro-volts to more than 150 volts RMS, and from less than 1 Hz to over 90kHz. The dScope Series III interface processor uses dedicated DSP to provide a wide range of real time measurements, and the dScope Series III software uses the host PC for almost unlimited number crunching and analysis options such as Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT), power spectrum analysis, swept sine and multi-tone testing. The dScope interface processor also provides controlled degradation and analysis of AES3 and S/PDIF digital audio carriers. The software also allows the dScope to use installed Windows sound devices such as sound cards or bluetooth audio headsets as generator outputs or analyzer sources. 

dScope Series III is highly programmable - great for production test automation and for specialised custom audio analysis. It can also be automated from a wide range of third party software using ActiveX controls - almost anything you can do with dScope can be automated and controlled remotely. In addition, the rich feature set of dScope Series III means that it can do the job of many traditional instruments which in turn means cost savings, especially when it is time for re-calibration! 

There is also a growing list of auxiliary equipment such as an I/O switcher, a versatile serial digital audio interface adapter and a production test automation system called AutoTestSQL that further extend the capabilities of the dScope system. 


Three Versions

The dScope Series III is now available in three different versions:

  • dScope Series III "Analogue and Digital Audio Test System" - the original full version with extensive digital and analogue capabilities
  • dScope Series IIIA+ "Analogue-Plus Audio Test System" for those who don't need digital audio capabilities, but do need the advanced features of the full dScope Series III.
  • dScope Series IIIA "Analogue Audio Test System" for those who don't need digital audio capabilities or the full power of dScope analysis.
The Analogue and Analogue-Plus versions are different hardware from the dScope Series III and cannot be upgraded to full dScope Series III. The Analogue and Analogue-Plus versions are the same hardware as each other, but differ in the software options available. For a feature comparison table, please see the dScope features page

회사소개 제품소개 견적및데모요청

법인명 : 주식회사 티앤씨  경기도 광명시 하안로 60, 광명SK테크노파크 A동 808호  사업자등록번호 108-81-96584  대표이사 : 김용정
  전화: 02-2635-6859   팩스: 02-6008-3672   이메일: info@tandc.co.kr

